Rachael Clugston

Rachael Clugston contributes with sharp political commentary on the German scene.

Andreas Kemper’s take on today’s AfD

Kemper explains the agendas of the groups that form the AfD and why it is dangerous to underestimate them.


AfD shooting from the hip


One has to ask who the constitutional lawyer for the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is, when Frauke Petry (AfD Sachsen) quotes sentences out of context to support the use of weapons at Germany's borders to discourage refugees from entering.


HomeLE – Gohlis Café opening


Maike hopes you'll feel at home in her new intercultural cafe, HomeLE.


#BullshitRadar: Extreme positions and the Leipzig riots


The offensive-countering by either side is reminiscent of a playground battle. Any statement which is followed by a 'but' can be forgotten. Blame-shifting means no responsibility to change is required by either side.


“There’s a limit to your love…”


This is the real problem: The desire (or lack thereof) to be engaged in a process of integration is tempered by the prospect of people who look different from us, who are non-European and have a different religion.


#BullshitRadar: The politics of making a “threat”


Using German legalese and quotes from the constitution to argue for charges to be pressed against Merkel for "people smuggling", the AfD wanted to communicate to their frustrated supporters that this party is a party of deeds. Why this "deed" at this time?
