Religion - Page 3

Athos: Greece’s “Holy Mountain” on film


As a woman who is not allowed to step inside Athos, I have often found it interesting to read about the Holy Mountain and watch documentaries on it. You can catch a showing in Leipzig this Sunday afternoon.


Terrorism in Europe: remembering the IRA


Thinking back on the rash of terrorist attacks by so-called Christians in the hearths of the UK in the 1970s might help put things into perspective.


Leipzig Catholics: the 4.4%

Let's just imagine for a moment the outrage, if it had been Leipzig's Muslim 3% instead of the Catholic 4.4% getting this support and spotlight.


A look back at the Leipzig Katholikentag

"Wasn’t it a good thing after all?"


Haiku: Divine


Today's micropoetry.


A chat with social psychologist Jonathan Haidt

Brazilian writer Felipe Cherubin, who has worked as a journalist for Estado de S. Paulo and studied (and extensively read and dissected even on his free time) philosophy and psychology, managed to land this fascinating interview in English with Jonathan Haidt. A social psychologist, Haidt, in his own words, studies "morality and emotion, and how
