A Note on Post-Terror Commemoration Published on November 21, 2015September 14, 2018 Politics/Society Have you ever thought about the power struggles going on behind setting up memorials for victims of terror acts? More You might be interested in Manchester: grief, grit and greatness The city that's given us music greats once gave me great comfort, and is also an example of resilience. Short story: “The snow shroud” He was like an old Indian or Egyptian king collecting a snow crown on his head. His head resting on Eilenburg and the terrorist next door When al-Bakr looked out the window, he would have seen the glorious Eilenburg Castle. I went around to investigate what
Manchester: grief, grit and greatness The city that's given us music greats once gave me great comfort, and is also an example of resilience.
Short story: “The snow shroud” He was like an old Indian or Egyptian king collecting a snow crown on his head. His head resting on
Eilenburg and the terrorist next door When al-Bakr looked out the window, he would have seen the glorious Eilenburg Castle. I went around to investigate what