Wine & Paint Leipzig: Women’s camaraderie in a dark hour


I used to say I could not draw or paint to save my life. Except for a few digital symmetrical shapes on Windows Paint, or stick figures and squiggly lines vaguely resembling a river on a notebook. Yet on a recent Saturday night, I perched myself high up in the Post building stabbing at a


The many benefits of table tennis


Sometimes you get inspired simply by what you see. This is what happened to me as I was walking through Leipzig's green parks: I saw people indulging in all kinds of sports there, like volleyball, soccer, frisbee, and table tennis. The last one immediately stirred some positive childhood memories as it made me think back


Björk’s “Cornucopia” and the dream of a sustainable future


Like her character in "Dancer in the Dark," Björk turns a tragedy into a musical in "Cornucopia." The iconic genre-bending artist is able to stare over the edge of the cliff with a stubborn hope as we all hurtle towards it. We attended her concert in Leipzig on 24 November and share our insights with


Self-expression in the digital age: a poetic reflection


As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, it's essential to find and cherish our own authentic voice, celebrating the unique perspectives that each of us brings to the global conversation. The following poem serves as a mirror, reflecting our shared experiences, fears, and hopes.


Haus im Fluss to bring communal living to Groβzschocher


How do you afford to build a communal apartment building for a few million euros? Here's how one communal living group is doing it.


The History of the Leipzig Marathon


LeipGlo sports writer Alfred Weis looks at the history of the Leipzig Marathon, which started with just a few hundred runners in the 70s.

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