What: The 2016 indie German film “Der schwarze Nazi” (“The black Nazi”) examines the inscrutable question of what it means to be German (you know, it still ain’t that easy after WW2), and turns the concept of integration on its head. In a climate of intense racial hatred, how far will someone go to try to fit in – or to try to vanquish his or her aggressors?
Synopsis (translation): Sikumoya, a Congolese immigrant in Saxony, faces racist encounters on a day-to-day basis. This is why he becomes increasingly keen to blend in with his German surroundings, but it just won’t work for him. When he gets beaten up by neo-Nazis, Sikumoya’s world comes apart at the seams. He lapses into a coma and goes through a peculiar metamorphosis: The black protagonist becomes the most supremacist of Germans by overtaking the neo-Nazis on the right-wing political lane, and challenges his former adversaries for their very own ideology. This transformation convinces the Nazis to accept him, and he also manages to garner support from the angry mob of German Wutbürger.