Cheerleading jumps into the present with the inclusion of ParaCheer - and Leipzig comes out at the forefront. Learn more about the local team and how you can help them get to a competition in Orlando, Florida.
MoreGot Game: reviving tennis in Leipzig
What used to be a typical activity, with people crowding tennis courts on weekends and evenings, has now turned into a much more invisible phenomenon.
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Parkrun ongoing in southwest Leipzig
A Saturday morning running event taking place at parks around the world is expected to make Leipzig's Volkspark Kleinzschocher "the biggest regular sporting hotspot in the whole city."
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It's "a first division football team artificially created by the investments of some hyper-caffeinated Austrian rich cats." But is that entirely... bad?
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Got Game: nurturing basketball in Leipzig
“Should we turn out young talented players who return to us after playing college-level basketball on a scholarship in the US, then the vision of watching professional basketball in Leipzig might again become true in the future."
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The day Leipzig met the Champions League
"Champions League games are particularly peaceful affairs, as alcoholic beverages aren’t sold at the stadium. I didn’t tell my dad, and he drank his 0% beer in blissful ignorance."