Grüne - Page 7

44 result(s) found.

Federal Elections 2017: party roll call

In total, no fewer than 42 parties are running for the Bundestag. How many of them have you heard of?


Jamaica, the alternative German coalition


Why Daniel would go for "Jamaica" rather than "big," and what it all means.


Leipzig to elect two Parliament members


With the end of the Game of Thrones season, and before winter comes, we have the next best political spectacle of Central Europe: The Game of 630 Thrones!


Of visitors and fish: 10 honest trip tips

Ten things my mother and step-father learned while traveling in Europe - framed like clickbait, but spoken sincerely.


AfD changes Germany’s political landscape


The results of parliamentary elections in three German states have caused shock and bewilderment with Germany’s traditional parties.


Openings 9-14 Mar

Anke Dyes, Malene List Thomsen: Where do the kids come from at ASPN. among the FRI and SAT openings not to be missed!

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