#GlobalIssues - Page 8

Orbán and Le Pen: breaking the EU’s cordon sanitaire?


Empires don't fall by peripheries breaking away; their downfall comes when the core melts.


Orwell: timeless thinker of his own routine?


George Orwell's "prophecies" feeding into "1984" were also (or actually) observations from his daily life in Britain, especially in the immediate aftermath of World War II.


UBI (universal basic income) idea gains momentum


The UBI experiment in Finland shows the point of such a program: providing long-term (theoretically, forever), but modest financial aid to all citizens regardless of who they are.


Michelle Obama: powerful farewell and subtle protest


Obama recalled her father going to work in the city water plant each day, in “the hope that one day, his kids would go to college and have opportunities he never dreamed of.”


Podcast and video: “I am human”


A team effort on trying to make the world at least a tiny bit more "human".


Mourning the fall of the Brazilian left


They mistook pragmatism for socialism. What the hell have they done?
