Urban - Page 2

Leipzig’s urban prairie, dream spaces


Apart from intellectual and entrepreneurial freedom, Leipzig exhibits another type of freedom that is the envy of every growing metropolis: spatial freedom.


Belo Horizonte, arts and culture hub


"Belo Horizonte became home to charming small art galleries and a flourishing startup scene, also known as San Pedro Valley, which shook things up in the business realm of my old city. So if you have been gentrified out of Berlin or Leipzig is already too cool, that might be a feasible option."


Did you know: Leipzig’s 4 most exciting contemporary construction projects

Oh, how I love watching my Leipzig grow and flourish. Today I want to tell you about some of Leipzig’s most exciting contemporary construction projects.


Not-so-totally-touristy guide to Spain, Part II – Madrid

My mission in Madrid this time around, with an old like-minded friend and now a local of the city: to experience some of the best in food, drink, nightlife and general fun across Madrid's barrios, without so much of the obvious sightseeing - with a bit of work thrown in, believe it or not.


Not-so-totally-touristy guide to Spain, Part I – Barcelona and Zaragoza

" I was happy to be hanging out alone and simply absorbing things, at my own pace, the key to my friend's apartment in my purse, being able to come and go as I pleased. During the day I took one very long walk that led me through the gorgeous Parc de la Ciutadella and
