Like the snow drops and crocus bursting through the cold, Leipzig’s exhibition scene is blooming this week. Enjoy the bouquet.
10 Mar ►No previous experience as an observer/ Broken Record (The Last Poets) – Danny Wagner/ Andreas Enrico Grunert @Bistro 21
This wonderful new space in the east pairs
Danny Wagner/
Andreas Enrico Grunert
Thursday, March 10, 7 pm
March 12, 2016 – March 27, 2016
11 Mar ►International Village Show: Zvizzchi und Ballykinlar. @ gfzk
It is spring and the artists of Myvillages return with Caravan and fire pit, Russian and Northern Irish guests, Blini and singing. Fun Fun Fun!
From 10 on Sat 12 March there’s coffee Ballykinlar style and at 3 there’s a guided tour through the International Village Shop.
Dr. Lutz Nitsche – Speaker of the Management Board of the German Federal Cultural Foundation will speak at the opening.
12 Mar ►And Why Does Honey Exist?@ Galerie KUB
If you haven’t been to this art space in Sudvorstadt, it’s time!
works by:
Max Eulitz
Marek Kochanowicz
Tom Król
Georg Thanner
performances by:
Grażyna Roguski
Las Chicas de Billard y Ping Pong
12 Mar ►Anke Dyes, Malene List Thomsen: Where do the kids come from@ ASPN
Traces of dirt hang on the delicate surface of the piece. They must have been stuck to the fabricʼs structure while it
was still wet, she sighed. The wind had gotten colder and the thing inside crept a little closer to the surface of her
skin, creating a layer of urgency; nerves and something like pleasure. It looked down through her eyes onto her red
hands and dirty clothes. Handling the milky-rose liquid her hands had started shaking, and the more they did, the
more of the milky stuff was sticking to her hands, making it harder to move.
—Relax, it said to her, she felt the voice more than she could hear it. She glanced at herself in a window of a
parked car and nodded slowly. Polished surfaces multiplied her reflection. Duplicated in windows and shadows, she
could see them both now, an imprint on reality, on mirrors, as trace. But when she found the thing and let it in, she
knew, she would never be alone again. They share complex structure of feelings, built partly on itʼs affection for her
and itʼs ambivalence in the face of other peoples pain.
“Perhaps the most important thing a theory of human nature can do […], is to tell us concretely and absolutely what
kinds of treatment constitute damage to a human being. [She was] concerned to oppose a particularly pernicious
form of a substantive theory of harm.”*
– Anke Dyes
*L. Antony. In: Natures and Norms, emphasis and alterations mine.”