Simplicity or clarity can mean different things to people. But plain language is a general notion that can apply to most if not all languages and contexts. International Plain Language Federation explains it as: “A communication is in plain language if its wording, structure, and design are so clear that the intended readers can easily
MoreAn interview with a local historian about the events leading up to the Peaceful Revolution: "When everyone gets behind one goal, you can actually change history."
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In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
The events of Autumn ’89 are central to East German identity and close to the people’s hearts. If you want to connect to the people and the place, it’s well worth reading up on this important part of history.
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