This is the real problem: The desire (or lack thereof) to be engaged in a process of integration is tempered by the prospect of people who look different from us, who are non-European and have a different religion.
MoreThe very complicated facts of Asylpolitik, explained here, easily debunk the xenophobic myths that have been circulating around.
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"In Die Villa I have learned Slovak and a few words of Esperanto; I have practised Arabic; and I feel
Friday night, 29 April, at Werk 2 was dedicated to Ukraine and its people. A committed group of individuals from
LeipGlo contributor Chrissy had a chat with her former language teacher and current podcast host Isabelle Wiedemeier. They discuss the
Refugees Welcome: YOU can help!
It brings joy to my heart to see how Leipzig has reached out to the refugees. Here's 3 ways you can help NOW:
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Friday night, 29 April, at Werk 2 was dedicated to Ukraine and its people. A committed group of individuals from
Four Leipzig Glocal friends and contributors shared their insights and concerns about this upcoming pivotal election with us. Find out
Leipzig Migrants' Council member Mohamed Okasha reflects on this upcoming federal election from the point of view of migrants.
Last week in Dresden, a group of company representatives, educators and other professionals met to put their heads together to help tackle a major challenge regarding the thickening influx of refugees: preparing the newly arrived immigrants for the German job market.
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Friday night, 29 April, at Werk 2 was dedicated to Ukraine and its people. A committed group of individuals from
Four Leipzig Glocal friends and contributors shared their insights and concerns about this upcoming pivotal election with us. Find out
Leipzig Migrants' Council member Mohamed Okasha reflects on this upcoming federal election from the point of view of migrants.
Some journalists are beaten up, others strike out against their subjects when tasked with covering the refugee crisis in Europe, as media leaders discussed last week in Leipzig.
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The war in Ukraine has had dire consequences for press and media freedom, with a reported nine journalists and news
Friday night, 29 April, at Werk 2 was dedicated to Ukraine and its people. A committed group of individuals from
Four Leipzig Glocal friends and contributors shared their insights and concerns about this upcoming pivotal election with us. Find out
Besides being a humanitarian crisis, the current refugee situation also highlights limitations to press freedom in Europe.
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The Leipzig Migrants’ Council, along with other important associations and institutions in Leipzig's migration landscape, has launched an information campaign
DIMENSIONS: Digital Art since 1859, on view at Wahren’s Pittlerwerke until 9 July, asks questions that are both timely and
Over the next few weeks, The Leipzig Glocal will be introducing its new team and begin implementing changes to its