Politics - Page 27

Refugees Welcome: Returning from “bella Italia”


Prof. Helena Flam vividly tells her accidental journey with refugees from Italy to Germany.


America’s Pegida


"In America, Donald Trump has climbed to the top of the early polls for the Republican nomination. And in Germany a sizeable but still minority portion of the population has xenophobic or racist tendencies. The question is if the Pegida or the Trump strategies have long-term staying power or if their impact is only temporary


“Don’t give Legida more attention than it deserves”


Another enlightening interview from our glocal politics and history writer: "Legida’s presence is a reminder that the image of Leipzig as Germany’s hipster capital is utterly incomplete... The city’s Head of Unit for Migration and Integration, Stojan Gugutschkow... shared some interesting insights [on Legida, xenophobia and related matters] and finished off with a message for


Greece and Eurozone: divorce?


Our economically liberal political scientist gives his assessment of whether the intentions of leaders on the Greek and EU sides match up with their rhetoric of striving to stay together. What would you say?


Sachsen’s ugly side


Leipzig is not just cool alternative events and venues and beautiful parks and lakes and not just a sense of community and solidarity, either; unfortunately, as our political columnist explores today, the problem of xenophobia in Leipzig and its region, perhaps most infamously in Dresden, has been tainting the news for a while, long before
