#ExpatJobs - Page 1

8 result(s) found.

#ExpatJobs: Job vacancies for international people in Leipzig and broader region in Germany (late November)

These are individual jobs currently advertised in Leipzig and environs, a list of companies hiring for lots of positions (with a high demand for software engineers but also some variety in jobs) plus, as usual, a list of companies specifically hiring international teachers or translators at the end of this post (lots of opportunities there).


#ExpatJobs: Job vacancies for international people in Leipzig and broader region in Germany (early November)

Regularly posted list of newly advertised individual jobs, companies hiring locally for lots of positions (with a high demand for software engineers but also some variety in jobs) plus, as usual, a list of companies specifically hiring international teachers or translators at the end of this post (lots of opportunities there), including a new open


#ExpatJobs: Job vacancies for international people in Leipzig and broader region in Germany (late October)

These are jobs advertised in the past two weeks in Leipzig and environs, plus a list of companies hiring international teachers or translators at the end of this post. Leipzig International School and Intercultural Elements have a lot of positions available right now.


#ExpatJobs: Job vacancies for international people in Leipzig and broader region in Germany (early October)

These are jobs advertised in the past two weeks in Leipzig and environs, plus a list of companies hiring international teachers or translators at the end of this post. If you find any job ads you feel like sharing here, please pass them along to us at leipglo@gmail.com, subject line #ExpatJobs.


#ExpatJobs: Job vacancies for international people in Leipzig and broader region in Germany (late September)

We close the month of September with freshly advertised or re-advertised jobs in Leipzig and environs for you (meaning in the last two weeks). We ask you to send us any relevant job ads you might find to leipglo@gmail.com, subject line #ExpatJobs.


#ExpatJobs: Job vacancies for international people in Leipzig and broader region in Germany (early September)

We open our regular jobs post as usual today, with some new individual job ads we've come across. We follow that with descriptions and links to the respective job sections of companies we have found are hiring for various positions in Leipzig and nearby. We've also included, at the end of the post, a couple
