job fair - Page 24

150 result(s) found.

Carol looks good on the silver screen


Will Carol and Therese find the courage to live out their passions - professionally and personally? Will they risk ostracism for their sexual preference in 1950s American society? Will there be a happy ending for them?


Carnaval in Brazil: nostalgia and tips beyond Rio


"The feeling of 'I wish I was there' may turn, unexpectedly, to resentment and even rage when you see your friends happily smiling with ridiculous costumes in colorful pictures and you realize you have been using the same ugly sweater since New Year’s eve— the day your social life in Europe died to be reborn


Travel diary: Florida unchained

With a first-time visitor to Florida as my travel buddy, I had to venture beyond the warm, idle comfort of hanging at my parents' place to show him that the Sunshine State is not just made of chains, plazas, driveways and the water.


Stage and Screen: The Stars Strike Back


The force acts as one – that's what happens when two geeky sic-fi vigilantes and Leipglo columnists go to watch Star Wars.


Stage and Screen: Code Black; the new ER


Code Black certainly has enough about it to become a good series for me to continue with, and it is nice to see very strong female characters on mainstream TV in an ensemble cast of mainstays and aspiring-to-be ones.


#MoviesOmU: Movies in English and other original foreign languages in Leipzig, November 11-18


Highlights of our list: The 21st edition of the "French Days" and the new "Kurdish Days" film fests start in town; meanwhile, the 6th edition of the "Latin American Days" film fest continues. Also, for fans of Woody Allen, his latest, Irrational Man, opens this weekend in OmU. And the MLK film Selma returns.
