job fair - Page 23

150 result(s) found.

Why do we blog? (A photo story)


Rather than a way to escape "real" life for me, it's ended up becoming a way to enhance it.


Opinion: Why we are responsible for Brussels


"It is an obvious problem that those feeling ostracised by society turn into suicidal assassins."


A literary treasure hunt around Leipzig


Our intrepid reporter Helena Fram interviewed Siegfried Lokatis, Professor in Book Science (Buchwissenschaft) at the University of Leipzig, on convincing shops around Leipzig to do something a little different: putting historic books in their display windows to run parallel with the Leipziger Buchmesse.


Macbeth is on the Flicks


Our Kapuczino gives us a glowing review of Macbeth (2015) with some enriching historical context.


Buchmesse: Rollin’ with Tumbleweed

"This is a comedy, terse, sensual and romantic, with a moving love story underpinning the hero's adventures." - opening at Poniatowski on March 19th.


Celebrating courageous oppressed women


What do Turkish girls forced into marriage, Anne Frank and the "suffragettes" have in common?
