Breakup poems

Poems: the door to the soul?


What is best when shared? A taxi, food? Words, thoughts, perceptive perspectives. Lito Seizani shares poetic observations with us.


Throwback Poetry: The empty, party-fueled aftermath of a #breakup and learning how to heal properly

In the past, in the aftermath of a breakup from a long-term relationship, I tended to seek out constant external stimulation (besides validation). I tended to try to "stay high" on the rush of fleeting romances and parties that, after the fact, only left me feeling more alone and empty.


ThrowBack Poetry: My most heartfelt breakup poem ever


I remember exactly the moment when I wrote this poem (which I published on my old blog some years ago), though not exactly the date. I was standing in my kitchen drinking a glass of water. Suddenly, I felt a big pang. I looked at the blender nearby. I thought of my heart spinning in


#Haiku of the day (March 25)


Daily haiku: Ruins – Left by your chaos/ Cracked and burnt but still standing/ Ivy grows from me  
