
English Theatre Leipzig auditioning and hiring for new production


English Theatre Leipzig is auditioning and hiring for roles for the upcoming production of "Eden" by Luke Dunne.


Leipzig Glocal Job Fair 4: It’s a Wrap!


Nearly 300 people attended The Leipzig Glocal Job Fair 4 at Werk 2 on October 17, 2023.




Here are a few insights on how to get started in your new Heimat and find job opportunities with Stadt Leipzig.


Million-euro question: Should I stay in Germany?


As the population grows and Leipzig becomes more cosmopolitan, you've got more and more graduates, from diverse backgrounds, to ask the million-euro question to. In other words: Are you trying to decide whether to stay in Germany or go? Here's a chance to find out!


Interview: Die Leipziger Integrationsmesse 2022


Nach einer langen Unterbrechung durch die Pandemie findet die Integrationsmesse der Stadt Leipzig endlich wieder in Präsenz statt. Im Interview sprechen wir mit Jakob Lanman Niese, Mitarbeiter des Referats für Migration und Integrations der Stadt Leipzig, über die im Juni stattfindende Messe. Die Messe wird veranstaltet von der Stadt Leipzig und dem gemeinützigen Verein ARBEIT


LeipGlo Matching: Our job fairs are moving online


The LeipGlo team is proud to announce our new career and service matching platform LeipGlo Matching! Sign up for free and get exclusive access to local opportunities.
