The clock is inexorable. What (random) memories do we keep?
More"It is often our friends or our mother who warn us against a bad romantic choice. Sometimes our love is so strong that we prefer to sacrifice the mother, go against her, and kill her metaphorically."
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1003 Nights: “Und weiter und fort”
"On the one hand, I wanted to create a kind of snapshot and write about a night which in itself is so complete and saturated that it deeply enriches you. Andererseits wollte ich über zwei Unbekannte schreiben, die sich in eben einer solchen Nacht finden, einen vollkommenen Moment teilen, und sich dann wieder verlieren."
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Dr. Amorous: how to be a good guy
A guide on where the line is between courtship and harassment - courtesy of our friendly neighborhood date doctor.
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After this, you'll have no excuse not to ask them out - whatever dating culture they come from. (Welcome to our new relationship advice column!)
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"Watching 'Proof' in a sold out venue had its merits in terms of entertainment and cultural experience. But was the play any good and will it be worth attending next Saturday? You'll find out here."