Society - Page 6

Opinion: multiple dimensions of structural racism


"Communities whose members, for diverse historical reasons such as segregation, are often unable to acquire the necessary high skills to get a job with decent wages in the service sector, end up in a cycle of reproduction of poverty. They are victims of creative destruction." #BlackLivesMatter


Climate Crisis: “Let us continue to be led by science”


In his opinion article, Adam Carrington urges us not to lose sight of the climate emergency and to channel our current reliance on scientific advice for the COVID-19 crisis into our daily lives as consumers to prevent environmental catastrophe.


Blood donations: less than an hour to save someone’s life


In this article we break down all the essential factors that make blood donations such a vital contribution to our health care system. Find out how you can save lives every time you donate and what goes into your first donation.


Plain language matters in a crisis, but also afterwards


Simplicity or clarity can mean different things to people. But plain language is a general notion that can apply to most if not all languages and contexts. International Plain Language Federation explains it as: “A communication is in plain language if its wording, structure, and design are so clear that the intended readers can easily


Ghanaian student now 103 days on Wuhan lockdown


Before his forced, indefinite isolation during Covid-19 times in Wuhan, China, this young medicine student from Ghana felt he had his future figured out, and a bright one at that, planning to further his studies abroad and apply what he learned back home.


How has social distancing affected you?


Social distancing has become a major factor in our daily urban lives here in Leipzig. The Institute for Urban Development and Construction Science (ISB) has started a survey to get a deeper understanding of how Leipzigers are affected by the current situation. Find out here what the survey is trying to investigate and how you

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