Poetry and prose
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Labor Day: Visiting poets from Hamburg and Berlin to take on locals at Distillery poetry slam in #Leipzig

From http://howlmag.com
From http://howlmag.com

Plans for Labor Day? Feel like going to a poetry show? There’s a poetry slam on the start of your 3-day weekend on Friday, May 1, and this is indeed a show rather than a reading. In it, poets compete to see who can move and excite the audience the most. The Labor Day slam will take place at the club Distillery in Leipzig, hosted by LivelyriX, which organizes poetry slams regularly around town and elsewhere in Germany. It begins at 21:00h but people can start arriving at 19:30h. The event’s Facebook page recommends that you purchase tickets in advance, for 5.50€.

You can also drop the organizers a line if you’d like to perform in the slam, at leipzig@livelyrix.de. But keep in mind that the competition is fierce: LivelyriX specifically mentions the slam will feature “a selection of the best German female poets who inspire you with their texts… joined [in competition] by the best minds of the Leipzig poetry slam scene.”

The visiting poets the event page lists are Fabian Navarro and Danny Grimpe from Hamburg and Iris Schwarz from Berlin.

A Global Studies doctoral degree holder and former newspaper reporter, avid eater, pseudo-philosopher and poet, occasion-propelled singer, semi-professional socializer, movie addict, Brazilian-American nomad. In this space, she will share some of her experiences and (mis)adventures regarding various topics, with special attention to social issues.

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