October 2015 - Page 4

Eric: The founder behind HHL SpinLab


SpinLab's Eric Weber helping make Leipzig and Saxony a better job market, one startup at a time.


Media as both victim and perpetrator in refugee crisis


Some journalists are beaten up, others strike out against their subjects when tasked with covering the refugee crisis in Europe, as media leaders discussed last week in Leipzig.


#ExpatJobs: Job vacancies for international people in Leipzig and broader region in Germany (early October)

These are jobs advertised in the past two weeks in Leipzig and environs, plus a list of companies hiring international teachers or translators at the end of this post. If you find any job ads you feel like sharing here, please pass them along to us at leipglo@gmail.com, subject line #ExpatJobs.


Poem: Evergreen


A lover? A dream? Or just nature?


Travel and being a total foreigner

In China, I was blissfully a toddler; as soon as I returned to Germany, I was reminded of my inadequacy.


Leipzig Events: It’s Lichtfest again! October is a busy month in Leipzig!

By Marjon Borsboom October 8th ► TEDxHHL – the first TEDx in Leipzig Event with famous speakers about Technology, Education and Design. More info re. program & tickets http://www.tedxhhl.de/program/ October 9th ► Lichtfest at Augustusplatz Every year on October 9 Leipzig celebrates the start of the Peaceful Revolution in 1989 that eventually led to the
