Leipzig tips - Page 16

Tips for Leipzig living or exploring.

Scavenger hunt in a real corn labyrinth


It's not often you find places like this so close to the city anymore.


The hitchhiker’s guide to the startup scene


What do hitchhiking 50,000 km and starting your own business have in common? Perhaps more than you'd immediately think.


Feel like a duckling in Lindenthal


The best thing about the semi-bucolic quarter for non-residents is probably its public pond.


Hypewitz: summer Fridays in nightlife limbo


My belly hurt from laughing at some points during our failed attempts at partying all night.


Fashionzig: 5 basic tips for your ideal style


At the end of the day, it is all about trial and error and seeing what works for you and what you feel fierce and confident in.


Going Glocal: discovering the “swing to sunset” scene


Its multiple schools are warm and inviting, the floors are hot and dancers blistering.
