Leipzig - Page 14

Germany and the heatwave from hell


It doesn’t really feel as if we’d have to brace future generations for a return of the glaciers any time soon. The terrible heat – die schreckliche Hitze – has us all in its clutches. And it's only getting scarier.


England to Leipzig: out of Mouth, an ELFLEIN


"In England, it was just so hard to make ends meet, and I knew that it was unnecessarily hard because I could see my friends were doing so well here [in Leipzig]. They were living in these flatshare mansions, and still had so much free time to put into their music, and were actually making


Festival de Cine DOK: ¡Exige lo imposible!


"El hito histórico del '68' será abordado desde los diferentes márgenes que el audiovisual supo retratar, generando así un caleidoscopio histórico que hará justicia a la complejidad del momento." #DOK Leipzig 2018


Why your startup needs a Leipzig presence


In Leipzig, there may be some benefits you’ve never heard of that can be extremely advantageous to a young company.


MuKo: Mirko Mahr’s Alice im Wunderland


Tip for the whole family this long weekend: “Trink mich!” and follow the White Rabbit to Musikalische Komödie. #ballet #Leipzig


Hackett: new quintessential Brit in town


Hackett of London seeks to bring traditional English style with a millennial twist to Leipzig's men. What's the story behind the brand name?

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