Opinion - Page 58

Global Eye

Paris Attacks: The media debacle involving a female terrorism suspect


I strongly condemn and am devastated by the recent terrorist attacks in France, in Lebanon, in Egypt and elsewhere. But I felt that I could not be silent about one of the latest examples of shoddy, irresponsible, salacious media coverage, related to the attacks. And in times like these, when panic is widespread, when violence


A Note on Post-Terror Commemoration


Have you ever thought about the power struggles going on behind setting up memorials for victims of terror acts?


Paris Attacks: Refusing Emotional Manipulation


Christijan is sick of people playing with our emotions to hide the truth behind this weekend's attacks. Let's look at things from another perspective.


Guide to Conversing with East Germans


Behind the cosy façade of my FRG-passport lies concealed a bubbling volcano of emotion. I am tired of being complimented for Willy Brandt’s Ostpolitik. I am tired of being asked how I feel about winning the World Cup four times. And I am tired of hearing the words Stasi and Plattenbau.


Paris Attacks: Notre solidarité avec Paris — This horrific event is a game-changer


Our solidarity with the victims of this horrendous event.


4 myths about refugees and asylum-seekers


The very complicated facts of Asylpolitik, explained here, easily debunk the xenophobic myths that have been circulating around.

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