Stewart Tunnicliff - Page 2

26 result(s) found.

Buchmesse: Rollin’ with Tumbleweed

"This is a comedy, terse, sensual and romantic, with a moving love story underpinning the hero's adventures." - opening at Poniatowski on March 19th.


Review: “Lamb” and “Deutschland 83”


These two screen gems are/were a delight to watch, even if one may be a bit more like rough coal to some.


Review: A second opinion on Elsie and Norm’s Macbeth

In the spirit of giving a forum to as many voices as possible on LeipGlo, we present a different perspective we received on the English Theatre Leipzig's latest production.


5 Gems of Gohlis


Which is your favourite quarter of Leipzig? Stewart gives us 5 of the reasons he lives in Gohlis.


Stage and Screen: The Stars Strike Back


The force acts as one – that's what happens when two geeky sic-fi vigilantes and Leipglo columnists go to watch Star Wars.


Mac batty beth


Something witty this way comes via English Theatre Leipzig
