CDU - Page 5

49 result(s) found.

Meet the Candidates: Gesine Märtens (Grüne)


Another Grüne interview today ahead of the 26 May elections: Dr. Gesine Märten is running for Circuit 4 - Südvorstadt, Connewitz, Marienbrunn, Lößnig, Dölitz-Dösen. And we've got a lot more coming your way this week...


Meet the Candidates: Stefanie Gruner (Grüne)


Reudnitz, Stötteritz, Probstheida, Meusdorf, Liebertwolkwitz, Holzhausen: Stefanie Gruner (Grüne) is running for Circuit 3 in the 26 May elections. Das Interview findest du hier.


Meet the Candidates: Angela Fuchs (Die Linke)


Our bilingual interview series with candidates continues, 7 days before the elections, and will run throughout the week. Today we've got Angela Fuchs (Die Linke). Sie kandidiert für den Stadtrat im Wahlkreis 2, Leipzig-Ost.


Meet the Candidates: Christopher Zenker (SPD)


Leipzig City Council member Christopher Zenker (SPD) is running for reelection in Circuit 4, Leipzig South. Head of his party group in the council, he answered the series of questions we sent them ahead of the elections. Dieses Interview mit ihm ist Teil unserer Reihe über die Stadtrats- und Europawahlen am 26. Mai 2019.


Meet the Candidates: Marcus Nießmann (FDP)


We sent interview questions to all major political parties running in the 26 May elections. Marcus Nießmann (FDP) took active interest in answering them, and did so in both German and English. Er kandidiert für den Stadtrat im Wahlkreis 8, Leipzig-Nordwest.


Meet the Candidates: Pruß and Kasek (Grüne)


Marcel Pruß and Jürgen Kasek (Grüne) live in Leipzig and are candidates for City Council in Circuit 2, Leipzig East. Their answers are presented together - auf Deutsch and also translated to English - because they're running for the same party and district. More candidates from The Greens than any other party replied to our

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