In Leipzig, Die Linke won in percentage of votes for city council, and Die Grünen for the European Parliament. Still, the far-right AfD had the most impressive gains, now having more city council seats than the SPD, besides a lawmaker in Brussels.
MoreCan a Petry-led faction distance themselves significantly from the AfD to win over enough CDU voters and politicians? The next 18 months will be a dry run for this possibility, threatening the traditional progressiveness of Leipzig in the process.
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Either he is a hypocrite who likes to make controversial statements for fun and not for action, or Höcke intended to carry out some form of twisted protest at the very site of historical horror and regret.
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Andreas Kemper’s take on today’s AfD
Kemper explains the agendas of the groups that form the AfD and why it is dangerous to underestimate them.
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The results of parliamentary elections in three German states have caused shock and bewilderment with Germany’s traditional parties.
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One has to ask who the constitutional lawyer for the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is, when Frauke Petry (AfD Sachsen) quotes sentences out of context to support the use of weapons at Germany's borders to discourage refugees from entering.