die linke

78 result(s) found.

Leipzig elections: Die Linke and Grüne win; AfD grows

In Leipzig, Die Linke won in percentage of votes for city council, and Die Grünen for the European Parliament. Still, the far-right AfD had the most impressive gains, now having more city council seats than the SPD, besides a lawmaker in Brussels.


Meet the Candidates: Angela Fuchs (Die Linke)


Our bilingual interview series with candidates continues, 7 days before the elections, and will run throughout the week. Today we've got Angela Fuchs (Die Linke). Sie kandidiert für den Stadtrat im Wahlkreis 2, Leipzig-Ost.


Opinion: On European elections and German divisions

"East Germans are often portrayed as racist naysayers who are unable to look at themselves as the cause of their problems. The history of the GDR is often reduced to the Stasi. The two parties that picked up on these perceptions are DIE LINKE and the AfD, with the latter being far more successful."


Meet the Candidates: Petra Čagalj Sejdi (Grüne)


Petra Čagalj Sejdi (Grüne) lebt in Leipzig und ist amtierende Kandidatin für den Stadtrat im Wahlkreis 7, Leipzig-Alt-West. We invited all Leipzig candidates of all major parties (CDU, SPD, Grüne, Die Linke, FDP and AfD) to answer these questions.


Does diversity threaten our democracy?


[Sponsored post] On Friday, 8 April, the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Sachsen (DAIS) presents a book launch and discussion by Dr. Yascha Mounk. In his new book, “The Great Experiment: How diversity threatens and enriches democracy”, Dr. Mounk discusses the challenges faced by multi-ethnic societies. He also offers suggestions on how these societies might deal with globalization,


Saxony Elected: reasons to cheer and worry


Disaster averted. The far-right, anti-immigrant and climate-change-denying AfD was not the number one political force. But with 27.5 percent of total votes in Saxony, the AfD gained more support from state voters than all left-of-center political parties.

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