Expat life - Page 5

Bijoutefriends: how to spot and avoid them


Their legacy tends to be, at best, an irritation and nasty mark that fade off after a bit, and at worst the loss of real friendships and lifelines.


Why we are all built for moving


Reflecting on his Camino de Santiago journey, our guest columnist makes his case on staying open to change - and constant movement in our daily lives.


Local business built on hiring internationals


InterCultural Elements owes a lot of its success to its diversity. The more nationalities represented among its staff, the better for business.


So you want to live in Leipzig?


Marjon helps you think on practical terms if you decide to take the leap and land in LE.


I won’t be home for the holidays


But perhaps I do wish I were rooted somewhere.


On being American… in Trump’s America


Do Europeans really know what it’s like being non-white in the U.S. - especially now?

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