"I'm having another sip of tap water. My blindfold mask has fallen, the authors have returned to their word-children and my curiosity has been quenched, as has my quadrilingual спрага, Durst, жажда, thirst."
MoreShort story: “The ins and outs of the ring”
"She'd take it off and put it back on, flick it, spin it on the kitchen table. Thought of melting it in the oven, throwing it out the window, letting it slip through the open drain in the bathroom."
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As 2023 comes to an end, LeipGlo looks back on the articles that we shared with you throughout the year.
The excess of information that keeps us informed can also make us anxious and distressed. Jessica Fayer, a psychologist who
It looks like the weather will remain good for the next couple of weeks… perhaps it is time to do
Christmas Story: Jesus from the slums
Dedicated to all the unsung sons (and daughters) of God.
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As 2023 comes to an end, LeipGlo looks back on the articles that we shared with you throughout the year.
Jesus! So many dates, so little time - hard to keep them straight. This guide takes you from Carnival to
Dear Prudence, The Season is upon us, ready or not. There are Christmas carols in every shop. Everyone has forgotten
"Last Sunday I bought an old, flea market suitcase so that I could put in it disheveled piles of books conspiring to build up yet another wall next to my bed. (...)Now, a week later, I am quite certain that these books just had to be locked up! (...)safely locked up, they cannot haunt me
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I walk nervously into the bar of a hotel in the center of Leipzig, not knowing what to expect. Maybe
The poesie book of Eva Goldberg traces the escape of the Goldberg family prior to the start of the Second
This book has been accompanying me for the last few years. It is a series of books actually, the famous Remembrance