
From Rivalry to Solidarity: Redefining Women Friendships


Tell me who you’re with and I’ll tell you who you are! An old phrase, but with knowledge that still applies today. In life, the people we surround ourselves with can shape who we become. This holds true for friendships, where relationships can either foster personal growth or contribute to stress. Unfortunately, societal competition often


Friends, an itinerant person’s sacrifice

Having lived in five countries, I can finally understand the pricelessness of being able to count on what feels like an unmoveable harbor. Wish I had one.


Death of a childhood friend, one year on

"I've become desperate to simply go about my life without needing an explanation, to be fine realizing it's impossible to know what's next."


Toastmasters: talk & camaraderie in Leipzig


“Those feelings were... not easy to talk about or reveal in front of an audience. [But] the welcoming atmosphere and positive feedback encouraged and inspired me to continue.”


Short story: “The snow shroud”


He was like an old Indian or Egyptian king collecting a snow crown on his head. His head resting on his sofa pillow I stole from his room.


Sunday brunch in Leipzig, anyone?


I remember my first brunch. I  lived in Atlanta and a group of us went to the cutest little house that had been converted into a restaurant. The food, laughs and mimosas were endless. Sunday is the perfect day to brunch, and Leipzig has more and more on offer. But what can we expect? Well,
