Life - Page 4

Mors certa, hora incerta: a poem

The clock is inexorable. What (random) memories do we keep?


Memories and ghosts in a Prague hotel


"They welcomed me and then oddly warned me the hotel was haunted, especially my room, then wished me a good night."


Mid-30s: weird spot between birth & death

You've known this all along, of course, but now you're painfully aware.


Larger than life: the story of Henrique Galvão


"As I sat there listening to stories of perilous travel and incredible chance encounters, I realized that the power behind Scott Galvão's story was not in the inspiration it created for him alone, but the bigger picture his father’s life represents."


Today – is it all we really have?

Had Death been roaming our city that night in search of a casual victim?


Death as a figment, life as tiny details


Call it my own version of faith.

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