My life on Mars: art and outer space Published on November 4, 2018February 7, 2019 #TechTavern/Arts/Philosophies/Society Contemplating Elon Musk, life as a simulation, and building a planet from scratch. More You might be interested in In case you missed it: LeipGlo’s 2023 in review As 2023 comes to an end, LeipGlo looks back on the articles that we shared with you throughout the year. Navigating the trauma of everyday life The excess of information that keeps us informed can also make us anxious and distressed. Jessica Fayer, a psychologist who DOK 2023 Preview: Everything You Need to Know DOK 2023 Preview: The International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film returns from 8 October to 15 October 2023.
In case you missed it: LeipGlo’s 2023 in review As 2023 comes to an end, LeipGlo looks back on the articles that we shared with you throughout the year.
Navigating the trauma of everyday life The excess of information that keeps us informed can also make us anxious and distressed. Jessica Fayer, a psychologist who
DOK 2023 Preview: Everything You Need to Know DOK 2023 Preview: The International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film returns from 8 October to 15 October 2023.
The renaissance of space exploration Published on October 20, 2016February 13, 2019 Society/Travel This is an unprecedented moment in human history: The discovery of life on another world is likely to occur within our lifetime. More You might be interested in American horror story: Trump and the crisis of imagination Without a compelling vision of a different future, people gravitate toward demagogues who recycle the past. The left's failure to Reichstagsbrand: Zum 90. Jahrestag (Teil 2) In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe Reichstagsbrand: Zum 90. Jahrestag In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
American horror story: Trump and the crisis of imagination Without a compelling vision of a different future, people gravitate toward demagogues who recycle the past. The left's failure to
Reichstagsbrand: Zum 90. Jahrestag (Teil 2) In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
Reichstagsbrand: Zum 90. Jahrestag In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe