
Eric: The founder behind HHL SpinLab


SpinLab's Eric Weber helping make Leipzig and Saxony a better job market, one startup at a time.


Personalities: Stephanie Schmit, Ambassador of InterNations Leipzig


Some of my fondest moments in Leipzig nightlife have come from hangouts with InterNations people, including Stephanie - who, with her bright smile, energy and very good people skills, is now the ambassador for the group's Leipzig chapter, along with the also very nice and personable French guy Christopher Persee. I've asked Stephanie to tell


Anna and the making of Poniatowski


With lots of hard work, some "madness" and serendipity, a "little" help from her friends and a business loan, a very glocally connected young woman took a risky career turn and managed to open her own Polish restaurant in Leipzig, honoring an ancestor she didn't even know had been a head chef and the memory


Meeting the elusive Pam de Bahr

Last Saturday, Leipzig-based American artist Maeshelle West-Davies invited me to meet up with her on Eisenbahnstraße. She was touring the neighborhood as part of Leipzig Stadtteilexpeditionen, headed by Diana Wesser. In it, people join up in groups to go around and get to know the different communities in Leipzig, one at a time, talking to locals at stands and
