Viele Unternehmen auf der LeipGlo-Jobmesse suchen DICH und dein Können!
MoreThe 3rd LeipGlo Job Fair at a glance
Our roadmap to new career opportunities in Leipzig, converging in 2 weeks at WERK 2.
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Spreadshirt: global mind, local heart
Head of recruiting attributes job fair exhibitor Spreadshirt's success especially to its diversity - 33 nationalities at its Leipzig headquarters, with English (rather than German) as the working language.
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A review of the Saxon election candidates' debate earlier this week at Basislager Coworking, focusing on entrepreneurship and inclusion of foreigners.
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Come meet potential employer PRISMA and ask Code Camp Leipzig questions about their fast track to learning coding - a skill enabling you to use your creativity to positively impact your community, while putting cash in your pocket. Open house on 25 July.
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Another day, another job search in the café with free WiFi. Hundreds of free positions for developers in Leipzig. None for you, because you don't know how to code. But what if you could learn in 3 months, and even walk away with a paid gig as a developer?