World citizen

Post-Brexit divorce: EU can keep the kids?


It is still not clear whether Brits will be able to move to another EU country – for example, leaving Germany to take up a new job in Spain – without getting visas and work permits after 2019.


Freed and trapped by a nomad lifestyle


Wanderlust: Is it a matter of nature or nurture? In my travel column this week, I talk a little bit about our collective evolution as wanderers and settlers and my own path as a member of a "transnational tribe" of sorts - which has enriched my existence but brought me its share of heartache and


I left Leipzig but Leipzig never left me


Fellow journalist and blogger Débora Miranda describes how moving from Lisbon to Leipzig changed her life. Several years later, it has led her to write a book about her experiences as a European (and world) citizen since that very first step in 2006.
