March 2016 - Page 6

Divisive Nationalism in today’s world


Is the unraveling of democracy near? Is there a globalized racism epidemic? Or are people's fears and prejudices of a different nature?


Openings 9-14 Mar

Anke Dyes, Malene List Thomsen: Where do the kids come from at ASPN. among the FRI and SAT openings not to be missed!


Celebrating courageous oppressed women


What do Turkish girls forced into marriage, Anne Frank and the "suffragettes" have in common?


The butchering of Shakespeare’s “Dream”


Max pleads with Leipzig's Schauspiel to leave Shakespeare and other famous playwrights alone and instead market their modern plays, dramatically different from classical versions, in another way.


LeckerLeipzig: Hit the B10


The chef "traded a life filled with celebs (e.g. Lenny Kravitz and Hillary Clinton) for a steady life in Leipzig, so he could be with his little girl. And for his second lovechild, B10, he settled on our very own Number 10, at Beethovenstraβe."

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