job fair - Page 5

150 result(s) found.

Helping you conquer job-related anxiety


For the next LeipGlo Job Fair, we've got tech, a restaurant, a walking tour, a jewelry (accessories) maker, teaching institutions, a startup accelerator, entrepreneurs looking for their business soulmates, and more. They will be there aiming to turn your frown upside down and find their dream employees, too. Friday, 24 May, in the LVZ dome.


Integration Fair: inviting new friends in


The Leipzig Integration Fair is bringing LeipGlo into the mix on 3 May. We are looking forward to seeing our diverse, loyal readership there - to join us in building up constructive dialogue and a toolbox of knowledge on how to survive the many tricky bits of this jungle we've come to call home.


Tim Whelan: standup and quit your day job

Rooms full of laughing Germans is a very satisfying result, when it happens. Laugh Wed 16 Nov at NBL.


#ExpatJobs: Job vacancies for international people in Leipzig and broader region in Germany (early October)

These are jobs advertised in the past two weeks in Leipzig and environs, plus a list of companies hiring international teachers or translators at the end of this post. If you find any job ads you feel like sharing here, please pass them along to us at, subject line #ExpatJobs.


#ExpatJobs: Job vacancies for international people in Leipzig and broader region in Germany

One of the things that I've heard international people in Leipzig complain about the most has been the lack of access to information on jobs, leading many to think that the local job market is extremely limited and that therefore they should leave. With that in mind, we've decided to run a post two Sundays


Logistics and international talent at the DHL Hub Leipzig


DHL Hub Leipzig offers a wide range of job options, a vibrant company culture, and a commitment to employee development and well-being. Don't miss the chance to meet them in person at the LeipGlo Job Fair for your next career step.

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