#ArtsAndCulture - Page 21

Openings and Premieres: 15-21 March

This week's openings include sight, sound and book.


Openings 9-14 Mar

Anke Dyes, Malene List Thomsen: Where do the kids come from at ASPN. among the FRI and SAT openings not to be missed!


Openings and Premieres: 17-22 Feb

time and perception. theory and practise. art this week.


Openings and premieres: 9-15 Feb Scratching

Are we scratching itches or only the surface?


Belo Horizonte, arts and culture hub


"Belo Horizonte became home to charming small art galleries and a flourishing startup scene, also known as San Pedro Valley, which shook things up in the business realm of my old city. So if you have been gentrified out of Berlin or Leipzig is already too cool, that might be a feasible option."


A Syrian immigrant’s love poems


Love is the universal language, even in times of war.
