Kiroku, which is inspired by tiny jam-packed paper stores in Japan, recently re-opened along Georg-Schwarz-Straße.
MoreNach einer langen Unterbrechung durch die Pandemie findet die Integrationsmesse der Stadt Leipzig endlich wieder in Präsenz statt. Im Interview sprechen wir mit Jakob Lanman Niese, Mitarbeiter des Referats für Migration und Integrations der Stadt Leipzig, über die im Juni stattfindende Messe. Die Messe wird veranstaltet von der Stadt Leipzig und dem gemeinützigen Verein ARBEIT
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LeipGlo contributor Maximilian Georg completes his two-part series "time to invest" with his experiences with ETFs and other financial instruments that can offer stable returns.
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LeipGlo contributor and international Vince Veras shares his personal journey from Brazil to Leipzig, changing careers and continents.
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LeipGlo contributor Maximilian Georg introduces us to the stock market and explains why it is one of the few options left today to get a good return on your savings in this first part of his two-part-series "Time to invest". Stay tuned for part two, coming next week.
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