evergreen - Page 7

Mors certa, hora incerta: a poem

The clock is inexorable. What (random) memories do we keep?


Toastmasters: talk & camaraderie in Leipzig


“Those feelings were... not easy to talk about or reveal in front of an audience. [But] the welcoming atmosphere and positive feedback encouraged and inspired me to continue.”


1003 Nights: “Und weiter und fort”


"On the one hand, I wanted to create a kind of snapshot and write about a night which in itself is so complete and saturated that it deeply enriches you. Andererseits wollte ich über zwei Unbekannte schreiben, die sich in eben einer solchen Nacht finden, einen vollkommenen Moment teilen, und sich dann wieder verlieren."


Hitchhiking from Leipzig to Copenhagen


"Five Catholic Poles all ride to Switzerland for a Jesus meet. One Berliner going where I was coming from. He does this all the time, says that’s all it is: just a matter of time."


Dr. Amorous: how to be a good guy


A guide on where the line is between courtship and harassment - courtesy of our friendly neighborhood date doctor.


Bridges of (Com)passion: hair & heart


"We choose a hairdresser with the same meticulousness as we choose a GP or a therapist – a quest as thorough as it is intimate. It took me ten years of life in Leipzig to find such a sorceress."

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