evergreen - Page 8

Almaty: high in the birthplace of the apple


"A friend... was going to fly back to his adoptive home in China via Almaty in Kazakhstan. This, of course, left me with no choice but to procure my very own Aeroflot tickets and to join him on his discovery of this mystical land seldom travelled to."


“Stop talking right-wing bullshit”


Yesterday we heard from a Syrian refugee disappointed in the discrimination she's met in Germany. Today we hear from a Leipziger who works with refugees and migrants, and is frustrated at different opinions on immigration immediately being shut down and dismissed.


From Syria to Chemnitz: lessons to learn


"[I am] shocked by the fact that Germans have so much access to democracy and law, and nevertheless, people here still turn to violence and discrimination. I always thought that these were the problems of countries dealing with tyranny and dictatorship."


Lulu opera: a classical musician’s review


"If you happen to open a piano-vocal score of Lulu, it looks like a vengeful composer threw up random spots of black onto the musical staff, tied some rhythms to it, and called it a day. And yet... it sounds like glorious music."


Vor Bergen: zu den Bildern Alexander Kavteas


Part 3 of our German series on local-based artists: "Kavtea versetzt uns in eine berauschte Atemlosigkeit, und seine Bilder kommen, wie lange wir uns auch mit ihnen umgeben, immer und immer wieder zur rechten Zeit, wenn wir uns nur auf sie einlassen."


Dr. Amorous: 10 scenarios, 50 date ideas


After this, you'll have no excuse not to ask them out - whatever dating culture they come from. (Welcome to our new relationship advice column!)

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