Germany - Page 4

Riding the red dragon: German startups in Shanghai


Germany is sending startup founders to Shanghai four weeks at a time, to learn Chinese business culture and approaches to innovation and versatility. The DC-Hub accelerator program is developed between Shanghai and Leipzig, with Basislager Coworking as local partner.


Disney characters as English teaching assistants

Drawing upon the timeless appeal of Disney characters and their universe, inlingua Leipzig is combining real with digital teachers to reach a new generation of English learners.


A Kenyan’s search for Afro-German connections


"I like to see this journey as a form of reverse voluntourism. Instead of waiting for the white saviour, I opted to ease the burden by learning how to be my own saviour. Simple reciprocity, really." New column: Leipzig and "Africa in Germany" through the eyes of a Kenyan female PhD candidate.


Germany: “the most feminist country I’ve ever lived in”


"Throughout my twenties, I lived and worked in the United States, India and France, before settling in Germany. Each new country has revealed a new dimension of womanhood and has given me some small, subjective insight into what it means to be female across different societies."


A guide to scuba diving in our local lakes


"In this post, I want to tell you about what it takes to become a scuba diver, and about what you can discover underneath the surface of Leipzig’s lakes."


Germany and the heatwave from hell


It doesn’t really feel as if we’d have to brace future generations for a return of the glaciers any time soon. The terrible heat – die schreckliche Hitze – has us all in its clutches. And it's only getting scarier.

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