What are you eating today to ensure a happy 2016?
MoreTime to plan your time wisely. Almost all shops are open half day 24th and then closed til Mon 28th.
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Have you got what it takes to design "the store of the future" at the local mall - and perhaps
Panicking for not having bought all your Christmas gifts? Looking for cool places or alternative times to buy gifts? Looking for a party, a funny play, a crazy chemistry lecture? Come in, please!
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Crazy for Baroque
Amidst the autumn leaves, fallen on the ground with their brown, orange, yellow, golden colours, stand the palace gardens with their baroque design of meanders and circles, forever green.
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There's much more to Pamplona than the bull run and bull fights - this beautiful, lively, laid-back city surprised me and left a mark on me even in the very short time I was there.
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My mission in Madrid this time around, with an old like-minded friend and now a local of the city: to experience some of the best in food, drink, nightlife and general fun across Madrid's barrios, without so much of the obvious sightseeing - with a bit of work thrown in, believe it or not.