Psychology - Page 2

Stress: When does it turn into an illness?


When people are no longer able to identify that they are stressed, and consider it part of who they are, the idea of seeking help to make changes to improve emotional and physical well-being may not be considered - leading to more serious health problems.


Interview: Your demons travel with you


Blossom Foster interviews psychologist Demetris Nicolaides: "In the situation of adjusting to life in Germany, people’s history with their family, their problems with anxiety, self-esteem, whatever, are going to be coming up."


Character: as flawed as the ancient Greeks’


Which is your character archetype, according to Theophrastus?


Bijoutefriends: how to spot and avoid them


Their legacy tends to be, at best, an irritation and nasty mark that fade off after a bit, and at worst the loss of real friendships and lifelines.


The boyfriends of birthdays past

They increasingly became part of the celebration, rather than the chief reason to celebrate.


Mid-30s: weird spot between birth & death

You've known this all along, of course, but now you're painfully aware.
