April 2015 - Page 9

9. April: Band aus #Leipzig sucht Leute für Musikvideo in Plagwitz

Eine Nachricht von Band SAFI (Facebook): “Liebe Freunde in Leipzig. Wir drehen ein Video. Dafür brauchen wir Menschen wie Du und ich, damit wir mehr sind. Wollt Ihr mitmachen? ———- Am 9.4. abends (ca. 18/19 Uhr bis Open End) ———- möchten wir viele sein und so Sachen machen! Wenn Ihr Lust habt und noch jemanden


#Haiku of the day (April 8)


Daily haiku:  Space –  Once filled with your words/  Where your phantom smile now lives/  Echoes in my house 


A chat with social psychologist Jonathan Haidt

Brazilian writer Felipe Cherubin, who has worked as a journalist for Estado de S. Paulo and studied (and extensively read and dissected even on his free time) philosophy and psychology, managed to land this fascinating interview in English with Jonathan Haidt. A social psychologist, Haidt, in his own words, studies "morality and emotion, and how


#Haiku of the day (April 7)


Daily haiku:  Clutterless –   Just cleared out my place/  Rid of all not worth my stress/  Breathing clean again


Foreign movies in English and other original languages playing in #Leipzig (April 6-8)

Leipzig is becoming ever hipper and more cosmopolitan, but the availability of foreign movies in their original language – meaning not dubbed into German and instead often given German subtitles – in cinemas here is still limited. If you’re a movie addict like me, you’d really like to know when and where to find them… right


#Haiku of the day (April 6)


Daily haiku: Savior – Take me somewhere warm/ Erase the rot from my mind/ And my soul is yours
