Special: Can we help a Leipziger get a kick-ass coffee machine for her nascent cafe in seven days?

Maike Steuer wants an espresso machine for her intercultural cafe in Leipzig, HomeLE, still under construction, and has turned to crowd-funding via VisionBakety.
Maike Steuer and her dream espresso machine. Photo provided by M. Steuer.

Crowd-funding can be a lovely way to raise money for one’s wish or project; I’ve heard a few heartening success stories. However, it can be quite a frustrating process as well. See, if the person asking for the crowd-funding does not get the money until a certain day and hour, all the money goes back to the benefactors, and the wish or project is kaput via that channel. This morning, Maike Steuer, a Facebook friend of mine, vented online that time was running out and she was still very far away from her goal of getting a full-throttle, quality espresso coffee machine for her café through the VisionBakery crowd-funding platform. I felt bad, because I know how physically and creatively invested she is in her café project – it’s still under construction at Leipzig north, and will be called HomeLE, an intercultural community café with a room for children and another for workshops such as salsa lessons. I watched her video on VisionBakery, which I found very cute and well-made, and the gifts benefactors would get for helping out sound quite heart-warming, as well… or full on – you can even get salsa lessons from Maike or “own” her café for a day, because she REALLY wants this coffee machine. So I decided to put the word out here. If you feel like you could spare some bucks to help her get her dream coffee machine, check out her request (including the captivating video) at http://www.visionbakery.com/bohnenbubi.

A Global Studies doctoral degree holder and former newspaper reporter, avid eater, pseudo-philosopher and poet, occasion-propelled singer, semi-professional socializer, movie addict, Brazilian-American nomad. In this space, she will share some of her experiences and (mis)adventures regarding various topics, with special attention to social issues.

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