Leipzig has long been renowned for its musical influence. This is due, in no small part, to being the home of Bach as well as the place of his burial. Several statues, books, and plaques can be found around town notarizing his musical history and impact on Leipzig. But Leipzig boasts many other musical influences.
MoreGrowing up, I always heard negative connotations about being alone. As a result, I also thought of it as such. However, as I mature I’m starting to question if being alone is all that bad. I have always thought of myself as a social person. I surrounded myself with a group of friends and consider
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Cities are captivating. There is an abundance of activity within them, with a constant commotion and busyness. But this busyness is precisely why cities can be overwhelming and claustrophobic. I’ve lived in multiple cities, but Leipzig is exceptional among them because of its numerous parks and gardens. I was always of the false mindset that
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An exhibition at the Frankfurter Dom revealed the scale of abuse within the Catholic Church, using life-size wooden figures and
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Like her character in "Dancer in the Dark," Björk turns a tragedy into a musical in "Cornucopia." The iconic genre-bending