Glocal - Page 7

United Nations of Chungking Mansions


"Today, the Hong Kong building's inhabitants and visitors vary from budget travelers to tourists; businessmen to traders; sex workers to drug dealers; asylum seekers to economic migrants; charity workers to ordinary punters."


Our children won’t save the (green) world


"No one will protect what they don’t care about; and no one will care about what they have never experienced." - David Attenborough


Bridges of (Com)passion: hair & heart


"We choose a hairdresser with the same meticulousness as we choose a GP or a therapist – a quest as thorough as it is intimate. It took me ten years of life in Leipzig to find such a sorceress."


Intro: Leipzig, the “New Economy” hub


In this series, our #TechTavern columnist would like to make the case "that Leipzig could be destined for more than a reboot of Silicon Valley, that it can help lead the way towards a more humane future."


“Stop talking right-wing bullshit”


Yesterday we heard from a Syrian refugee disappointed in the discrimination she's met in Germany. Today we hear from a Leipziger who works with refugees and migrants, and is frustrated at different opinions on immigration immediately being shut down and dismissed.


From Syria to Chemnitz: lessons to learn


"[I am] shocked by the fact that Germans have so much access to democracy and law, and nevertheless, people here still turn to violence and discrimination. I always thought that these were the problems of countries dealing with tyranny and dictatorship."

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